Why No Weight Bearing After Meniscus Repair?

WeightBearing After Meniscus Repair (EVIDENCE BASED) YouTube
WeightBearing After Meniscus Repair (EVIDENCE BASED) YouTube from www.youtube.com


Meniscus repair is a common surgical procedure performed to treat a torn meniscus in the knee. After the surgery, patients are often advised to avoid weight bearing activities for a certain period of time. This article will discuss the reasons behind this restriction and the importance of following it for a successful recovery.

The Healing Process

When a meniscus is repaired, the surgeon uses sutures or anchors to reattach the torn edges of the meniscus. The healing process is crucial for the long-term success of the surgery. During the initial stages of healing, the repaired meniscus is vulnerable to stress and weight bearing can disrupt the delicate process.

Protecting the Repair

Avoiding weight bearing activities helps protect the repair and allows the meniscus to heal properly. Putting weight on the knee too soon can cause the sutures or anchors to loosen or tear, leading to a failed repair. By following the weight bearing restrictions, patients can maximize the chances of a successful outcome.

Reducing Pain and Swelling

Weight bearing immediately after meniscus repair can increase pain and swelling in the knee. The surgical procedure itself causes trauma to the tissues, and adding weight bearing can exacerbate these symptoms. By avoiding weight bearing, patients can minimize discomfort and aid the healing process.

Assisting in Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after meniscus repair is a crucial part of the recovery process. Weight bearing restrictions allow the patient to focus on other aspects of rehabilitation, such as range of motion exercises, strengthening, and stability training. By avoiding weight bearing, patients can make progress in their rehabilitation without compromising the repair.

Preventing Complications

Weight bearing too soon after meniscus repair can lead to complications such as re-tearing of the meniscus, delayed healing, or the development of scar tissue. These complications can prolong the recovery process and may require additional interventions. Following the weight bearing restrictions helps minimize the risk of such complications.

Gradual Return to Weight Bearing

After a period of no weight bearing, patients will gradually be allowed to bear weight on the repaired knee. This gradual return helps ensure that the meniscus repair has healed sufficiently to withstand the stress of weight bearing. The timeline for this progression will be determined by the surgeon and may vary from patient to patient.

Consulting with the Surgeon

It is important for patients to follow the weight bearing restrictions as advised by their surgeon. Each case is unique, and the surgeon will provide specific instructions based on the individual’s condition and the technique used for the meniscus repair. Consulting with the surgeon and adhering to their advice is crucial for a successful recovery.


Avoiding weight bearing activities after meniscus repair is essential for protecting the repair, reducing pain and swelling, assisting in rehabilitation, and preventing complications. Patients should follow their surgeon’s instructions regarding weight bearing restrictions and gradually progress towards a full recovery. By doing so, they increase their chances of achieving a successful outcome and returning to their normal activities without limitations.