What Did Dzhokhar Write In The Boat?

Here’s the Note Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Wrote Inside the Boat Where He Was
Here’s the Note Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Wrote Inside the Boat Where He Was from www.boston.com

The Background

In the spring of 2013, the city of Boston was gripped by fear as two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, carried out a horrific terrorist attack during the Boston Marathon. Tamerlan was killed in a shootout with the police, while Dzhokhar managed to escape, sparking a massive manhunt. After an intense search, he was eventually found hiding in a boat in a suburban backyard.

The Discovery

Inside the boat, authorities discovered a series of handwritten messages that shed light on Dzhokhar’s state of mind. These writings provided valuable insights into his motivations and thought process leading up to the attack. The messages were a mix of personal reflections, justifications for his actions, and expressions of his extremist beliefs.

The Personal Reflections

In his writings, Dzhokhar delved into his personal struggles, discussing feelings of alienation, anger, and the desire for revenge. He expressed frustrations with societal norms and his perceived sense of injustice. These reflections provided a glimpse into the emotional turmoil that may have contributed to his involvement in the attack.

The Justifications

Dzhokhar attempted to justify his actions by referencing perceived grievances against the United States. He cited the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the killing of innocent civilians, and the perceived oppression of Muslims as reasons for his radicalization. These justifications revealed his deeply entrenched extremist ideology and his belief that violence was a legitimate means to an end.

The Extremist Beliefs

Throughout his writings, Dzhokhar expressed his adherence to radical Islamist beliefs. He praised figures associated with extremist ideologies and called for others to join the cause. These writings provided evidence of his radicalization process and his commitment to carrying out acts of violence in the name of his distorted interpretation of Islam.

The Implications

Dzhokhar’s writings not only provided valuable insights into his mindset but also served as evidence in his subsequent trial. They were used by prosecutors to establish his intent and premeditation, further cementing his guilt in the eyes of the court. The writings also had a profound impact on the public, fueling debates about radicalization, the role of ideology, and the influence of online extremist propaganda.

The Aftermath

Following the trial, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted on multiple charges, including conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death. He was sentenced to death, a decision that sparked further discussions about the morality of capital punishment and the appropriate punishment for acts of terrorism.


The writings discovered in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured provided a chilling glimpse into the mind of a terrorist. They revealed his personal struggles, justifications for his actions, and his extremist beliefs. These writings served as crucial evidence in his trial and contributed to a broader conversation about radicalization and the motivations behind acts of terrorism.