Vehicle Recall Laws By State

Important Recall Info That MAY Affect Your Vehicle MAPT
Important Recall Info That MAY Affect Your Vehicle MAPT from


Vehicle recalls are an important aspect of consumer protection in the automotive industry. When a defect is identified in a vehicle, the manufacturer is required to inform the owners and fix the issue free of charge. However, the specific laws governing vehicle recalls can vary from state to state in the United States. Understanding these laws is crucial for both consumers and manufacturers.

State Laws Overview

Each state has its own set of regulations regarding vehicle recalls. These laws determine the responsibilities of both the manufacturer and the vehicle owner. While there are similarities between states, it’s essential to be aware of the specific requirements in your state.


California has some of the most stringent vehicle recall laws in the country. The California Vehicle Code requires manufacturers to notify the owner via mail or email within 30 days of a recall. Manufacturers must also provide the necessary repairs or replacements within a reasonable time frame.


In Texas, vehicle recall laws are governed by the Texas Occupations Code. Manufacturers are required to notify owners about recalls and provide repairs at no cost. However, unlike in California, Texas law does not specify a specific time frame for repairs.

Responsibilities of Manufacturers

Manufacturers have certain obligations when it comes to vehicle recalls. They must promptly notify owners of the defect and the potential risks associated with it. Manufacturers are also responsible for providing the necessary repairs or replacements free of charge. Failure to comply with these obligations can result in legal consequences.

Responsibilities of Vehicle Owners

Vehicle owners also have responsibilities when it comes to recalls. Upon receiving a recall notice, owners should take their vehicles to an authorized dealer for the necessary repairs. Ignoring recalls can pose a risk to both the owner and other road users.

Recall Process

The recall process typically begins with the identification of a defect by the manufacturer or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The manufacturer then notifies owners of the affected vehicles, providing instructions on how to address the issue. Owners can schedule an appointment with an authorized dealer to get the necessary repairs or replacements.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Both manufacturers and vehicle owners may face consequences for non-compliance with recall laws. Manufacturers can be fined by regulatory authorities for failing to fulfill their obligations. On the other hand, vehicle owners who ignore recalls and fail to get the necessary repairs done may face increased risks and potential liability in case of accidents or injuries.


Vehicle recall laws vary from state to state, and it’s crucial for both consumers and manufacturers to be aware of the specific regulations in their respective states. By understanding the responsibilities and following the recall process, we can ensure safer roads and protect the interests of all parties involved.