Journal Entry For Trade-In Of Vehicle With Loan

Mortgage Amortization Revisited The CPA Journal
Mortgage Amortization Revisited The CPA Journal from


In the year 2023, the process of trading in a vehicle with an existing loan has become more common. Many people opt to trade in their vehicles before the loan term is complete in order to upgrade to a newer model or to reduce their monthly payments. However, it is important to understand the journal entry for such transactions to ensure accurate financial recording. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to record the journal entry for a trade-in of a vehicle with a loan.

Step 1: Assessing the Trade-In Value

The first step in recording the journal entry is to determine the trade-in value of the vehicle. This can be done by consulting with a dealership or using online resources to obtain an estimate. Once the trade-in value is determined, it should be recorded as a credit to the vehicle’s accumulated depreciation account.

Step 2: Identifying the Loan Payable

Next, it is necessary to identify the loan payable associated with the vehicle being traded in. This loan payable account should be debited for the outstanding balance at the time of the trade-in. This will reduce the liability on the books.

Step 3: Recognizing the New Vehicle

If the trade-in is being used towards the purchase of a new vehicle, the cost of the new vehicle should be recorded as a debit to the appropriate asset account. This will increase the value of the new vehicle on the company’s books.

Step 4: Recording the Difference

After identifying the trade-in value, loan payable, and cost of the new vehicle, it is important to calculate the difference. If the trade-in value is higher than the loan payable and cost of the new vehicle, the excess should be recorded as a gain on the company’s books. Conversely, if the trade-in value is lower than the loan payable and cost of the new vehicle, the difference should be recorded as a loss.

Step 5: Adjusting Depreciation

Since the trade-in value is credited to the accumulated depreciation account, it is necessary to adjust the depreciation expense accordingly. The remaining balance of the accumulated depreciation should be adjusted by the trade-in value to reflect the reduced value of the vehicle on the company’s books.

Step 6: Updating Loan Payable

Once the trade-in value is credited and the loan payable is debited, the outstanding loan balance should be updated. The remaining balance after the trade-in should be adjusted accordingly to reflect the reduced liability on the company’s books.

Step 7: Recording Cash Flow

If any cash is exchanged during the trade-in, it should be recorded as either a debit or credit to the company’s cash account. This will ensure that the cash flow is accurately reflected in the financial records.

Step 8: Updating Notes Payable

If the trade-in involves the transfer of a note payable, it is important to update the notes payable account accordingly. The outstanding balance of the note payable should be adjusted to reflect the transfer or payoff of the loan.

Step 9: Reporting the Journal Entry

Once all the necessary accounts have been debited or credited, it is important to record the journal entry in the company’s general ledger. This will ensure that the financial records accurately reflect the trade-in transaction and its impact on the company’s financial position.


Recording the journal entry for a trade-in of a vehicle with a loan requires careful consideration of various accounts and their respective debits and credits. By following the steps outlined in this article, businesses can ensure accurate financial recording and reporting. It is always recommended to consult with a professional accountant or bookkeeper to ensure compliance with accounting standards and regulations.