Is Non Chlorinated Brake Cleaner Better?

Brakleen(R) ProSeries NonChlorinated Brake Cleaner Walmart Canada
Brakleen(R) ProSeries NonChlorinated Brake Cleaner Walmart Canada from


Brake cleaners are essential for maintaining the performance and safety of your vehicle’s braking system. They help remove dirt, grime, and brake dust that collect on the brake components. In recent years, there has been a growing debate about whether non chlorinated brake cleaner is better than the traditional chlorinated versions. In this article, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of non chlorinated brake cleaners to help you make an informed decision.

What is Non Chlorinated Brake Cleaner?

Non chlorinated brake cleaner is a type of brake cleaner that does not contain chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene or methylene chloride. Instead, it uses non-chlorinated solvents like acetone, heptane, or isopropyl alcohol as the active cleaning agents. These solvents are less harmful to the environment and are considered safer to use compared to chlorinated alternatives.

The Advantages of Non Chlorinated Brake Cleaner

One of the main advantages of non chlorinated brake cleaner is its environmental friendliness. Chlorinated solvents have been linked to a range of health and environmental issues, including ozone depletion and groundwater contamination. By using non chlorinated brake cleaner, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

Another advantage is its safety. Chlorinated solvents are highly toxic and can pose health risks if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Non chlorinated brake cleaners, on the other hand, have lower toxicity levels and are generally considered safer for both users and the environment.

Non chlorinated brake cleaners are also effective in removing brake dust, oil, grease, and other contaminants from brake components. They can help improve the overall performance and longevity of your braking system, resulting in better brake responsiveness and reduced wear and tear.

The Disadvantages of Non Chlorinated Brake Cleaner

One of the main drawbacks of non chlorinated brake cleaner is its potentially lower cleaning power compared to chlorinated versions. Chlorinated solvents are known for their strong degreasing properties, making them more effective in removing stubborn dirt and grime. Non chlorinated brake cleaners may require more effort or multiple applications to achieve the same level of cleanliness.

Another disadvantage is the higher cost of non chlorinated brake cleaners. Due to the use of alternative solvents and the additional processing required, non chlorinated versions tend to be more expensive than their chlorinated counterparts. However, the price difference is often justified by the superior safety and environmental benefits.


Non chlorinated brake cleaner offers several advantages over chlorinated versions, including environmental friendliness and improved safety. While it may have slightly lower cleaning power and a higher price tag, the benefits it provides make it a worthwhile investment. By choosing non chlorinated brake cleaner, you can maintain the performance of your braking system while minimizing your impact on the environment. So, next time you reach for a brake cleaner, consider going non chlorinated for a greener and safer option.