How Much Will My Speedometer Be Off With Bigger Tires?

How to Recalibrate a Speedometer After a Tire Size Increase Tireer
How to Recalibrate a Speedometer After a Tire Size Increase Tireer from


If you are considering upgrading your vehicle’s tires to larger ones, you may have wondered how it will affect your speedometer. It’s important to understand that when you increase the size of your tires, it can have an impact on the accuracy of your speedometer readings. In this article, we will explore the factors that contribute to the speedometer error and how much it can be off with bigger tires.

Understanding Speedometer Accuracy

Before diving into the specifics of how bigger tires affect the speedometer, let’s first understand how speedometer accuracy is determined in vehicles. The speedometer relies on various factors such as the tire size, gear ratios, and overall vehicle configuration to calculate the speed at which you are traveling.

Impact of Bigger Tires

When you install larger tires on your vehicle, the overall circumference of the tire increases. This means that with each rotation of the tire, you are covering a greater distance compared to the original tire size. As a result, your speedometer will display a lower speed than you are actually traveling.

The extent to which your speedometer will be off depends on the difference in circumference between the original and new tires. Generally, the larger the size difference, the greater the speedometer error. However, it’s important to note that this error is not linear, and other factors such as tire pressure can also influence the accuracy.

Calculating the Speedometer Error

To estimate the speedometer error with bigger tires, you can use a simple calculation. First, determine the percentage difference in circumference between the original and new tires. You can do this by dividing the difference by the original circumference and multiplying it by 100.

For example, if your original tire has a circumference of 75 inches and the new tire has a circumference of 80 inches, the percentage difference would be (80-75)/75 * 100 = 6.67%. This means that your speedometer will display a speed that is approximately 6.67% lower than your actual speed.

Factors Affecting Speedometer Accuracy

While tire size is a significant factor in speedometer accuracy, there are other variables that can also impact the readings. Gear ratios, transmission settings, and even tire pressure can influence the overall accuracy of your speedometer. It’s essential to consider these factors when upgrading your tires to ensure a more precise reading.

Correcting Speedometer Error

If you want to maintain accurate speedometer readings with bigger tires, you have a few options. One option is to recalibrate your speedometer by adjusting the gear ratios or using a speedometer calibration tool. This will ensure that your speedometer displays the correct speed even with larger tires.

Another option is to use a GPS speedometer. These devices use GPS technology to calculate your speed accurately and display it on a separate screen. While this option may require additional investment, it provides a reliable and precise speed reading regardless of your tire size.


When upgrading to bigger tires, it’s crucial to understand the potential impact on your speedometer accuracy. With larger tires, your speedometer will display a lower speed than your actual speed due to the increased tire circumference. To ensure accurate readings, consider recalibrating your speedometer or investing in a GPS speedometer. By taking these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of larger tires without compromising on speedometer accuracy.