Federal Grants For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations The University of Tulsa
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations The University of Tulsa from utulsa.edu


As the world continues to shift towards sustainable energy solutions, the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) has been steadily increasing. To support this transition, the federal government has implemented various grants and incentives to encourage the installation of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. In this article, we will explore the different federal grants available for electric vehicle charging stations in 2023.

1. Federal Charging Infrastructure Program

The Federal Charging Infrastructure Program (FCIP) is a grant initiative that provides funding for the installation of EV charging infrastructure in public places. This program aims to improve accessibility and convenience for EV owners, thereby encouraging more people to adopt electric vehicles. The FCIP offers grants to both public and private entities, including businesses, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations.

2. Clean Cities Coalition Grants

The Clean Cities Coalition Grants are administered by the U.S. Department of Energy and provide financial assistance to local governments and nonprofits for the development of alternative fuel infrastructure, including electric vehicle charging stations. These grants are awarded to projects that support the goals of reducing petroleum consumption, improving air quality, and promoting the use of clean transportation technologies.

3. Volkswagen Diesel Settlement

The Volkswagen Diesel Settlement is a result of the company’s violation of the Clean Air Act and subsequent legal settlement. As part of this settlement, a significant portion of the funds are allocated towards projects that promote zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure, including electric vehicle charging stations. These funds are distributed through state agencies and can be accessed by eligible entities such as government agencies, businesses, and nonprofits.

4. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) program provides funding to state, local, and tribal governments for energy efficiency and conservation projects. While not specifically targeted towards electric vehicle charging stations, these grants can be used to support the installation of charging infrastructure as part of broader energy conservation initiatives. Entities eligible for EECBG grants include counties, cities, and towns with populations under 35,000.

5. State-Specific Grants


California, being a leader in electric vehicle adoption, offers various state-specific grants for EV charging station installations. The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) is one such initiative that provides financial incentives to businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies for the deployment of charging stations. Additionally, the California Energy Commission offers grants through programs like the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program.

New York

New York State’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station Program provides funding to support the installation of charging stations across the state. Through this program, eligible entities can receive up to 80% of the total project cost, including equipment, installation, and electrical upgrades. The program aims to expand the availability of charging infrastructure in order to further promote electric vehicle adoption in New York.

Other States

Several other states, such as Massachusetts, Colorado, and Washington, also offer grants and incentives for electric vehicle charging stations. These programs vary in their eligibility criteria, funding amounts, and application processes. It is advisable to check with your local government or relevant agencies to explore specific grants available in your state.


With the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, the federal government and various states are actively promoting the installation of charging infrastructure. Through grants and incentives, businesses, governments, and nonprofits can contribute to the expansion of electric vehicle adoption and the development of a sustainable transportation system. By taking advantage of these grants, we can accelerate the transition to a cleaner and greener future.