Does Australia Have An Aircraft Carrier?

HMAS Canberra • Australian Light Aircraft Carrier YouTube
HMAS Canberra • Australian Light Aircraft Carrier YouTube from


Australia, known for its vast landscapes and unique wildlife, is often associated with its naval capabilities. One of the most common questions that arises is whether Australia possesses an aircraft carrier. In this article, we will delve into this topic and explore the current status of Australia’s aircraft carrier fleet.

The Past: HMAS Melbourne

In the past, Australia did have an aircraft carrier called HMAS Melbourne. It was commissioned in 1955 and served in the Royal Australian Navy until 1982. The Melbourne played a crucial role in various conflicts and provided valuable support during the Vietnam War. However, after its retirement, Australia did not acquire a replacement aircraft carrier.

The Present: No Aircraft Carrier

As of 2023, Australia does not possess an aircraft carrier. The decision to not replace the retired HMAS Melbourne was made due to various factors such as budget constraints and a shift in defense priorities. Instead, Australia relies on its strong alliance with the United States to ensure maritime security in the region.

Naval Capabilities

Although Australia does not have an aircraft carrier, it maintains a formidable naval force. The Royal Australian Navy operates a fleet of frigates, patrol boats, and submarines. These vessels are equipped with advanced technology and play a crucial role in safeguarding Australia’s interests and participating in international peacekeeping efforts.

Collaboration with Allies

Australia’s defense strategy heavily relies on collaboration with its allies, particularly the United States. The United States Navy operates aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific region, which can be deployed to support Australia if needed. This alliance ensures that Australia can benefit from the capabilities of aircraft carriers without having to maintain its own.

Future Possibilities

While Australia currently does not have plans to acquire an aircraft carrier, future developments may change this. The geopolitical landscape is constantly evolving, and defense priorities can shift. If Australia’s strategic interests change or if there is a need for enhanced naval capabilities, the possibility of acquiring an aircraft carrier may be reconsidered.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Having an aircraft carrier offers several advantages, including increased strike capabilities, enhanced surveillance and reconnaissance abilities, and the ability to project power in the region. However, aircraft carriers are also expensive to build, operate, and maintain. The decision to acquire an aircraft carrier involves careful consideration of these factors.


In conclusion, as of 2023, Australia does not have an aircraft carrier. The retirement of HMAS Melbourne marked the end of Australia’s aircraft carrier era. However, Australia continues to maintain a strong naval force and collaborates closely with its allies, ensuring its maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region. While the possibility of acquiring an aircraft carrier in the future cannot be ruled out, the current focus remains on maximizing the capabilities of existing naval assets.